Monday, May 31, 2021

 Local Weather: WTF? Mother Nature 

Here in upstate NY, I have lived for 6 years or so, and I know it's a colder climate here than in NC or even NYC where I resided for the first 48 years of my life. But this spring...(Can I call it spring now?) is unseasonable. I do not approve...have no choice but to bear it, but come on! WTF? 

We got a great gradual increase to 78 for lows and mid 80's for highs the past two weeks. Then it plummeted into the 40's and 50's with rain for up to 4 days straight. This is not the normal spring rain you expect for the region. this is cold breezy, constant rain with no thunder, no lightning. 

It's May, not April anymore. (April showers bring May flowers - the saying goes.) but this seems more like April came late in May and spring was cut short for a brief winter blast until June brings blazing hot summer in a day!  

It makes me think, "WTF sort of El Nina (El Nino), storm system, or anomaly in the jet stream are we suffering through this time? It has me looking online at weather reports for what changes in the national air masses are making this season become erratic this year. 

Last year as well, we had arctic blasts which brought a harsher winter. We had a record-breaking hot summer last year too and I dare not complain about the heat since it's the cold and miserableness of winters that I despise with much passion. 

 I have never seen such drastic abnormalities in weather for a region in my 54 years on this planet and i want to know...WTF is going on?


“(Leggings are) meant to wear underneath a long shirt that covers your heiny, or a long sweater of some type, or a dress. It is not meant to be your actual pants, and if you have a shirt that comes to here, then you are showing everything..." -   Principal Taylor’s remarks 


From an article in Seventeen Magazine by

about High School dress code for leggings and yoga pants. 

I rest my case about the audacity and improper wear of girls trying to be "cute" with the attire that brings the WRONG attention from males. They really don't get it? And they look foolishly trendy trying to look the same. I couldn't believe how many cookie-cut-outs I saw in Union college dining halls when I worked there as a temporary dishwasher! 

Here's more: 

I love the vie, being a straight male. But I just don't think young ladies, or even many older ones, should be wearing those things to all these places in public. (Church, restaurants, court houses, schools, and work!) Knowing what's on the minds of us "creepy" guys who look at them, never mind the ones who actually jeer, cat call, groope, ridicule or take creep-shots of them, You'd think that with the ladies' complaints about this, they'd go home and change into something more conservative so as not to get the pressure! More back-lash is needed on this issue! Harsher restrictions need to be enforced, in my opinion. 

I make fun of it and criticize it in the songs I write, but it is a serious violation of public modesty and decency if the gal's woo-hah is saying hello to you and her body language is saying "Creep, stop looking at me like a sex object!"

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Since 2013, I published the album in a previous blog, as "With Liberty and Justice For ALL!" 

The next CD release of mine will be called, "Is My Hair OK?" It's a collection of 10 songs about American spoiled lifestyles and vanity and conceit. 

Since the work has taken 3 years so far to complete, I have written 10 more songs and conceived of a NEXT album which is called, "Something In The Water." It is a work that comments on the contamination of not only water, but wheat, other produce, media, and and even gadgets with access to the Internet. 

So much for "Conspiracy Theory." It's more and more becoming conspiracy FACT!


Monday, March 30, 2015

Here is another situation; an example of what I have gone through that made me think there was some sort of conspiracy going on against me.

I am waiting for word from two friends about getting together today. In visiting NC for 5 days to rehearse with musicians (the bass player who has to travel from 3 hours out of town) and nobody is even confirming or aknowleging their status. For 3 hours I have been in limbo about what to do.

Power is out at the drummer's house where I'm staying. I can't just chill (I can...pun inintendedin a cold house and play guitar in our practice room. I don't have a car or bike that I can get to my other friend's house to visit. I have to charge my phone at the library or a convenience store. I can't be where I said I was a while ago because I am trying to get things done instead of sit on my ass at the house waiting for slackers (as far as I can tell they are) to meet me and get to it.

I planned these rendezenvous & gave plenty of advanced notice. It frustrates the hell out of me when these sort of miss coordination happens!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I must have forgotten to post what I had to say here. 
It's 2020 now and I think I'll use this space to catch you up on the discography. 

Since 2013, I published the album in the last blog, as "With Liberty and Justice For ALL!" 

The next CD release of mine will be called, "Is My Hair OK?" It's a collection of 10 songs about American spoiled lifestyles and vanity and conceit. 

Since the work has taken 3 years so far to complete, I have written 10 more songs and conceived of a NEXT album which is called, "Something In The Water." It is a work that comments on the contamination of not only water, but wheat, other produce, media, and and even gadgets with access to the Internet. 

So much for "Conspiracy Theory." It's more and more becoming conspiracy FACT!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Album - 2013

What's Going On Here?
Left Field
News Flash
Flowers Bloom
Sad People
Throw Away Boy
4 Letter Word
Smokers' Rights
Kissing Lessons
Out Of Sync
Ending song

-on new album: Album Rock is not dead.

It's been a long, grueling recording since June and I'm still not done yet!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Some parts to 2 new ones and .....

The guitar, bass and keys parts to 2 new songs have been done last night. Now they wait for the equipment to do the vocals. I'm in no hurry.

There are 2 instrumentals I managed to eek out in the meantime. I messed around with the drum tracks for the other songs and came up with added parts similar to the guitar, bass and vocal parts.

The video i wanted do do in public is still, regret ably, not even shot yet, much less editing.

It's the holiday season. (Bummer for me being zealous and business ad usual) so things aren't going to happen like clockwork. June 18- 20, 2012: Got those songs done and more. Now that I have my equipment back set up, I could sing some vox to Petting Jessie, Left Field, and Kitty Kitty, and The Bailey Jay song. But it also happens that the power in this place is dirty, or lightning last month damaged my mic pre-amp! Shit! Now I'm going to wait until I get a power conditioner and pay off my layaway's on an audio interface, keyboard controller, and a mufti-track stand-alone recorder, (TASCAM) before I record any more vocals or tracks from out-board gear for that matter. I give it a couple of weeks.